Knowing that I have to get up at 5am really keeps me from falling asleep. I have been thinking a lot about this Haiti earthquake. I am super happy that a lot of people are supporting this country in a time of need, but am broken because I realize that a lot of people have proven how much they have forgotten about the harsh reality that America is facing right now. A weak country falls fast, but a strong country falls slow and hard. We are so arrogant that we forget we too can become a country of despair. We have homeless on every street corner, hospitals that cannot contain the people that are in them. We are crumbling before our own eyes because they are shut. Why is it that we are so willing to help people of other nations, and we cannot even feed the kids we have in our own country or, even closer, our communities. I really ache for people. I have seen the depths of poverty first hand, and it is not something we as Americans want. I can vent all night on this, but it is going to go to deaf ears. Hell, no body ever reads this shit any way. I am just another lost verb in a Internet full opinions and polls. A voice quieted by its own toung.
I thank God right now that I am blessed with the chance for an education, to have a plate of food when I want it and even without a dollar in my pocket, I know I will never go without.
With out a doubt, we are a blessed country. But, slowly our blessings are being counted down to the day we stand in streets of rubble, and disease rides over our skins and binds us to the hell we are creating, all because we are not paying attention to our surroundings. We are only looking over to the other side of the fence, and it just happens that the grass is not greener, just bloodier and more heart wrenching. Their will be a time when we need the help of others and they are not going to be there. They are going to take all that we "borrowed" and use it as collateral to take our FREE? nation away from us and make it their own, because we were to busy worrying about others problems that we forgot about our own. I am saddened. I am disappointed. I wish and PRAY for a change in the way people look at our country and the way they laugh and mock us, because they know that we are heading strait down into a ditch a million miles deep that is slowly being covered by the dirt of other nations. We have become followers of our own demise. We have taken away the health care of our elders and gave it to those who wont work.
I know that I am jumping from one point to another, but their is so much to take in I can not stay on one track. I have been all over this world and have seen the silliness and greed, and how years of negativity have warped the minds of people that live on it. We are becoming an epidemic of the planet. We are just taking it very slowly.
I don't really know where I am going with this, but I do know that my heart beats and reaches out to any one who understands that this is a time of separation of good and evil. Ignorance has now became the new evil. It has become a word that is laying the groundwork for destruction. We are turning against ourselves in a battle for power and glory , of what? When we take our last breath it will all be here for someone else to throw away. A pile of garbage that will sit and one day become the home of little ones rummaging through like a Nicaraguan house party. This is what we are striving for.
1 comment:
Es bueno reconocer nuestras debilidades y sobre todo nuestros errores…USA ha tenido demasiado poder y lo ha utilizado falsamente en nombre de la libertad y la justicia, metiéndose en conflictos y guerras para sacar su propio provecho…aunque cada país ha mirado siempre para si mismo. Creo en realidad que es un problema de capitalismo y de forma de vida occidental en la que los valores más importantes han quedado relegados por el poder y el dinero…un mal de nuestra sociedad moderna donde hay más victimas que culpables. El problema seguirá existiendo siempre que se le otorgue tanto poder a un país como a un solo hombre. En definitiva Gabby…yo creo en el individuo, y no en los países o gobiernos, creo en ti y creo en mi,jeje.
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