Monday, November 16, 2009

Lately my emotions have been haywire. Little spurs of aggression followed by confusion and wonder in what I am really doing here in small beachtown, USA. I feel that I have a bigger purpose. I reason beond my own selfish wants. There is so much in this world that is ignored that if thought about more and acted on more could change the history of the world. What is it about the human race that keeps us from following through with our heart. I was reading an article on women that have been ravished and destroyed by war., a non-profit org. that creates jos for women inareas such as these has cmbined with Kate Spade and started paying women 7 to 10 dollars an item, which they are making scarves and hats, etc... but they are selling them for hundreds of dollars. In my unclarity, i have emailed them asking what the hundreds of dollars are going. Are they going into the non-profit org.? i haven't gotten a email back so I am eagerly waiting to find out. I just hope that it is going toward the bettering of these people and there countries.

What is it about compasion that allows people to feel that they can take it and use it to rob from people when they are trying to do good or others. I really bothers me that there are not more honest people out there. I told a lie to my ec girlfriend last night. I felt so bad that i had to call her back 5 minutes later and confess. it was stupid and totally made me a hypocrite. As I always go around telling people how much i hate liars and theives. I feel better about it, but i know it really hurt her feelings. and these feelings that I am trying to gain back as a friendship. What was i trying to do? Who knows I was drunk, shit happens for a reason at all times. Coincidence is an excuse for shit that is going to happen any way.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Help US Help ourselves

As a journalist I am failing miserably. I don't watch the news. I don't normally pick up the paper unless I am looking through the classifieds, and if I am listening to the radio it is usually singing to me; normally used for background noise. I used to say I didn't want to watch it cause it was all sad. Drama and Tragedy, no good in the world through the eye of the broadcaster and writer. And over the years I have not changed my point of view. As a writer, I yearn for the perfect words to put together and make something great, as a journalist, I am wasting my time. Let me get on track here...

I turned on the TV today and all the fancy painted, puffy haired news ladies had to talk about was all the Military Massacres of the past year including the three that were just in the past two months. What has our military community come too? It makes me so sad to know that the government, or leadership rather, has become so week in its ability to create and build morale in its communities that everyone feels so low that they have to not only kill others but themselves as well. I am very aware it happens every day in every type of community, but in the recent past, it seems to be a FAD. What are we up too? Is this the true plan if the Enemy, just drive the motherfuckers crazy until they kill themselves and then we are guilty of no crime. What is the government going to do? In an interview that I had with Gen. Casey a year ago all he wanted to discuss is the Wounded Warrior project and how he was trying to start programs that were going to help the home time periods of soldiers and the families that are affected by this "WAR".
Well Sir, What about a "before warriors get wounded" program, or a " before they go crazy and kill everybody and themselves" program. I have sat through numerous suicide prevention Power points and seminars, enough in fact that I sit and wonder how good is this doing REALLY? I understand everyone is not the same and each day effects us differently. And I also understand what the hell is the point in bitching about something when you have no follow up suggested resolution. Well, I Do, Sorta. I believe, as cheesy as it is, there should be MANDATORY groups that have different topics that you can choose through that you have to join to keep your self occupied and often around the company of others that are interested in the same thing. I feel people in the military community have to much time to themselves, especially when they are back from "WAR" to much time to think about the negative. What is some one to do when they don't know what to do, THINK, no guidance. Our military is the youngest, I think, it has ever been and I think also the mentality is a step behind what it needs to be. I know some people that may read this think, "Groups OH! that is stupid," but hey, just like anything it is usually better when in the right company. Idle hands and minds are the Devils playground and the more your blank, the more he plays. There are so many things that are out there to help, the thing is no body wants to take them into there lives and use them, make it mandatory, build a helping foundation in the form of Positivity. It isn't like it cost extra, the stuff is already there, it is the make it a Must that works. Maybe I am wrong. I don't know. I just think it is terrible that we are spending Billions on another country, paying them off to be on our side to only get them in closer so that they can turn on us, its their nature, and we cannot even take care and protect our own from our own. We can't take the time to step aside and help the ones closest to us because we are too wrapped up in a "war" that we fight blindly. Bureaucracy has become redefined and the lower level is blind and I feel are being led by the blind and when you can't see what is in front of you , you get confused and in the confusion allot more people tend to die. Don't ask questions? OK I wont but I will not be blind, I want to help my brothers and sisters break away from the torture within themselves. Its getting worse everyday. What are we going to do about it? Turn our backs and ignore it; are we going to be too busy as usual and continue helping those that wont help themselves. We have become the redheaded stepchild of ourselves. How can we fix this?
Copyright 2009 Gabbs